Norsk filminstitutt

Berlinale 2019: Our ancestors the Vikings were good storytellers – and their stories have survived because they had the ability to fire the imagination of the listeners and remain in their hearts and minds. 

Juvet hotell bilde

We like to think that this way of telling stories has persisted through the centuries: moving stories, strong characters, memorable lines and striking sceneries. When you add this to excellent actors who are very dedicated to their craft, internationally skilled directors, crews that are used to working efficiently and advanced under harsh conditions, and later, during editing, special effects that are world class – you have a typical Norwegian audiovisual production.


The social and economic need for the newest technology, in addition to a strong economy, has turned Norway into one of the most technologically adaptive countries in the world. This is something film productions taking place in Norway also benefit from; excellent infrastructure, skilled personnel and efficient governmental support schemes.


Norwegian films and drama series have made their name domestically with a market share of 25,2% - and internationally with participation in competition in Berlin and Cannes, Oscar nominations, awards at IDFA and EMMY, highly rated films and series in streaming services as Netflix and HBO and a steady flow of Norwegian directors and actors being asked to direct or act in high budget international productions.


At the same time, we have been able to maintain a true Norwegian way of telling stories, reflecting both who we used to be, who we are and who we want to be, giving Norwegian stories the ability to still move, disturb, thrill and last but not least surprise. This is what we would like to share with the world when we have the honour of being Country in Focus at European Film Market in Berlin.

Norway offers

• A film and TV-industry ready to co-produce, both domestically and internationally
• Highly skilled and efficient film crews used to utilize the latest technology available
• Incentive schemes and support schemes for co-production
• Stunning nature
• Friendly and cooperative people

We welcome you to Norway House, across from European Film Market, to meet representatives from the Norwegian Film Institute, filmmakers, service providers, film commissioners and everyone else who will be there to see what kind of collaborations we might arrange with you.

See you at Norway House!

Sindre Guldvog
CEO, Norwegian Film Institute