Norsk filminstitutt

Songs of Earth, a full-length documentary by Margreth Olin about nature, experienced with the guidance of director Margreth Olin's 85-year-old father through Oldedalen in Northwest Norway, will be shown in the documentary sidebar in Toronto.  


Fedrelandet_Credit Dag Asle Mykløen.jpg
Songs of Earth. Photo: Dag Asle Mykløen

-For one year, I have walked in my father's footsteps in the magnificent nature to which he is so deeply connected. I found a peace that I believe many are missing. It has always been an adventure to walk with my father. Dad has shown me what a gift nature is.  I want to pass on that gift that I received from him, I believe in that - the finest thing you receive, you should pass on," says director, producer, and screenwriter Margreth Olin about her latest film. 

Suggested to take a walk

Olin has previously made acclaimed and award-winning documentaries such as Doing Good (Mannen fra Snåsa, 2016), Childhood (Barndom, 2017), and The Self-Portrait (Selvportrett, 2020). The work on Songs of Earth (Fedrelandet) began when Margreth came to her 85-year-old father, Jørgen Mykløen, and asked for advice during a demanding period in her life. He responded as he often does, suggesting they should take a walk together. 
The result was the documentary Songs of Earth, which will be presented to the North American audience at the continent's most important film festival in Toronto at the beginning of September, where it will be shown in the documentary sidebar. 
Margreth Olin has previously participated in Toronto with the film The Angel (Engelen) which had its world premiere there in 2009. The film festival is also one of the world's most important venues for buying and selling films, where buyers, festival programmers, and press from all over the world participate. 
Songs of Earth has received 5,450,000 NOK (540.00 USD) in development, production, and release grants from The Norwegian Film Institute.  

Excited about the Canadian audience

-We are extremely happy that the film has now been selected for Toronto and will have its North American premiere here. This has been a wish and goal since the start and means a lot for the film's further life. I am excited about the reception from the Canadian audience, they live close to and love nature as Norwegians do, says Margreth Olin. 

Margreth Olin. Foto Agnete Brun.jpg
Margreth Olin. Photo: Agnete Brun

Songs of Earth premieres in Norwegian cinemas on September 1st and will be shown in advance at ten beautiful and spectacular places in Norway, including Geirangerfjorden, Oldedalen, Stangholmen by Risør, Gjendesheim, and the Opera roof in Oslo. 
Liv Ullmann and the Palme d'Or-winning and three-time Oscar-nominated filmmaker Wim Wenders are among the film's executive producers. 
The Toronto International Film Festival unspools between September 7th and 17th. 

The participants 

  • Starring: Jørgen Mykløen & Magnhild Kongsjord Mykløen 
  • Director: Margreth Olin 
  • Producer: Margreth Olin & Lena Faye-Lund Sandvik 
  • Cinematography: Lars Erlend Tubaas Øymo, Herman Lersveen, Torbjørn Martinsen, Dag Asle Mykløen 
  • Sound: Andreas Lindberg Svensson 
  • Sound design: Tormod Ringnes 
  • Editing: Michal Leszczylowski 
  • Music: Rebekka Karijord 
  • Executive producers: Wim Wenders and Liv Ullmann 
  • Production Company: Speranza Film AS 
  • Co-producers: BBC, SWR, ARTA 
  • Distributor: Norsk Filmdistribusjon  
  • Sales Agent: Cinephil 

Watch the trailer: