Norsk filminstitutt

All staff will continue to work from home until further notice and you will be able to reach us on e-mail and phone as usual. We will try our best to keep the institute going as normal as possible.


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The coronavirus is spreading in Norway. The pandemic is a demanding situation, and the concern for life and health must be put first.

Following the directions from the national authorities regarding the coronavirus, the Norwegian Film Institute cancelled its public activities for the time being on 13 March.

All staff will continue to work from home until further notice and you will be able to reach us on e-mail and phone as normal. We will try our best to keep the institute going as normal as possible.

Norway's health authorities encourage everyone to avoid journeys that are not strictly necessary. This will of course affect us all, and the Norwegian Film Institute is cancelling all our international travels until further notice. Everyone who arrives should be in quarantine for 14 days from their arrival in Norway, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not.

We will keep you updated here and on social media. Please contact us if you have any questions.

For more information see The Norwegian Governments 'web page about the coronavirus


The Cinematheque

The Cinematheque and all audience-related activities are cancelled from 12 March

If you have purchased tickets for events during the affected period send an e-mail to


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