Norsk filminstitutt

16 internasjonale filmskapere som ønsker å utvikle sin 1., 2. eller 3. spillefilmprosjekt velges hvert år ut til LIM-Less is More sin årlige workshop. LIM ønsker manusforfattere/regissører velkommen til å søke med et fiksjonsprosjekt som er i utvikling på et tidlig stadium.

NB: Utvidet søknadsfrist til 20. oktober

Fredag 1. mars - Søndag 7. april

Søknadsfrist: Fredag 20. oktober – innen kl 12:00 CET (lunsjtid)
Søk her: For writers + directors | New Call for LIM is open (

Om programmet

16 filmmakers selected each year from all over the world wanting to develop a feature film project (fiction) within a limited budget film development and production frame: LIM is welcoming writers / directors with a first, second or third feature project, as well as artists coming from theatre, documentary and visual arts, who apply with a project at an early stage of development.

LIM programme includes three one-week workshops between March and October 2024, as well as a tailor-made Event, LIM MEET, to benefit from the inputs of industry professionals coming from all over Europe.

Year after year, LIM has generated a space of inner exploration for each filmmaker / screenwriter, “a room for play” allowing to find in each idea the perspective that makes the film a needed shout. In the way it combines high level craft in script development and research in human and cognitive sciences, LIM is clearly unique in Europe.

Les mer om LIM 2024 og hvordan søke her: For writers + directors | New Call for LIM is open (

Reisestipend og norsk workshop

Norske filmskapere som blir valgt ut til å delta kan søke om reisestipend fra NFI.

NFI har vært partner med LIM i flere år og har hatt en norsk deltaker med i den internasjonale workshop hvert år. I juni i år arrangerte vi også, i samarbeid med Den Norske Filmskolen, LIM - Less is More: Boosting Ideas’s workshop for 5. gang i Norge.

Les mer

LIM: HOME - LIM - Less Is More

LIM Manifesto: Manifesto - LIM - Less Is More

LIMs StoryTANK, the European Think Tank focusing on storytelling

We brought together experienced writers of screenplays and fiction, and allowed them a prospective and pragmatic work process with researchers in adjacent fields, like cognitive or social sciences, physiology, mathematics, neuroscience… It’s about cogitating together, in a non-dogmatic, European and humanist perspective, about the function – both physiological and social – of the story using images and sound, keeping in mind the new ways of a generation transformed by the digital revolution. For videos and podcasts, please see more here



Rune Tellefsen

Konsulent kompetanse og partnerskap
+47 908 55 015

Rune Tellefsen

Jakob Berg

+47 971 977 66

Jakob Berg