Norsk filminstitutt

Ni norske filmprodusentar har fått til saman 4.975.000 kroner i tilskot til samproduksjon med produsentar i andre land gjennom Sørfond-ordninga 2023. Årets tilskot går til produksjonar frå Sudan, Egypt, Georgia, Filippinane, Bangladesh, Guatemala, Nepal, Tyrkia og Jemen.


The Sky is Mine NY - Foto - Jyoti K Simha.jpeg
Frå den nepalesiske spelefilmen The Sky Is Mine. Foto: Juoti K. Smith  

Ni produksjonar har denne veka fått tilskot frå Sørfond. Juryen har valt ut to dokumentarfilmar og sju spelefilmar som får tilskot på totalt 4.975.000 kroner.

Norsk filminstitutt mottok i år 47 søknadar til Sørfond, med eit totalt søknadsbeløp på 36 millionar kroner. For søknadsrunden 2023 har Sørfond fått styrka budsjettet frå tre millioner kroner til fem millioner kroner. Sidan oppstarten i 2011 har Sørfond gitt tilskot til 87 produksjonar, inkludert årets tilskot.  

Sørfond vart etablert for å fremja produksjon av film i land der filmproduksjonen er avgrensa av politiske, sosiale eller økonomiske årsaker. Kvalifiserte land er bestemt av DAC-lista, som er utviklingskomitéen til OECD si liste over land som kan få bistand.

Sørfond gir tilskot til spelefilm eller dokumentarfilm produsert av hovudprodusent i DAC-land og norsk minoritetsprodusent. Regissøren må vera statsborgar av, eller vera busett i, eit land på DAC- lista. Filmen må i hovudsak spelast inn i land som står oppført på denne lista.

Sørfond er finansiert over bistandsbudsjettet i Utenriksdepartementet, og blir forvalta av Norsk filminstitutt, i samarbeid med Stiftelsen Festivalkontoret.

Les meir om Sørfond her

Årets Sørfond-jury bestod av Wanuri Kahiu (Kenya) filmskapar, Sophie Bourdon (Frankrike), filmkonsulent, Leiv Igor Devold, regissør, førsteamanuensis ved NTNU og forbundsleiar i Norske Filmregissører, og Per Eirik Gilsvik, tidlegare ansvarleg for Sørfond i Oslo Festival Agency, no ved Nobels Fredssenter.

Sørfond-juryen si fråsegn  

«Vi hadde den spennande og ærefulle oppgåva med å lese og evaluere prosjekta for årets søknadsrunde til Sørfond. Prosjekta har tatt oss med på ei reise til alle hjørne av verda, og introdusert oss for både samtidshistorier og ferske perspektiv på historiske hendingar. Kvaliteten på desse overtydande og sosialt relevante prosjekta, frå både talentfulle debutantar og meir etablerte namn frå den globale filmarenaen, imponerte verkeleg juryen, og oppgåva med å gjere eit utval av prosjekt var utfordrande. 
Det endelege utvalet vårt inkluderer to dokumentarfilmar og sju fiksjonsfilmar. Fire av prosjekta som får støtte er spelefilmdebuten frå dei respektive filmskaparane. Vi er glade for å kunne bidra til at ambisiøse filmskaparar kan setje visjonane sine ut i livet, og vi håper at tilskotet frå Sørfond kan hjelpe desse historiene til å nå eit breitt publikum.

Budsjettet til Sørfond er i år auka frå 3 til 5 millionar kroner. Det er eit stort privilegium og ei glede for oss som jury å kunne auke talet på prosjekt som får støtte frå fondet».

Prosjekter som har fått tilskot Sørfond 2023

Informasjonen om prosjekta og juryens fråsegn er på engelsk.

The Camera Never Cries  

To menn foran et brennende bildekk
Foto: Black Balance Artistic Production.

Country: Sudan
Genre: Documentary
Director: Abuzar Osman Suliman ADAM and Elsadig Mohamed Ahmed Abdulgayoum
Norwegian co-producer: Arne Dahr and Finn McAlinden, Lightsource Film Productions
Producer: Alyaa Sirelkhatim Musa, Black Balance Artistic Production
Support:  475.000 NOK (€ 40.930)


For the last three years, Elsadig and Abuzar have been trying to make a film about the Sudanese revolution. The journey of this project starts when they realize that they accidentally filmed each other during the bloody morning of the massacre of Khartoum in June 2019. They continue filming their stark reality, inevitably becoming each other’s protagonists.

Jury statement 

The Camera Never Cries takes us to the centre of a revolution fought by so many Sudanese and galvanised by the youth of the country. It is a candid experience of the chaos, loss, confusion and pain of a young and hopeful country – as told by two front-line journalists and debut documentary directors. Through it we follow the filmmakers in a search for truth, understanding – and a way forward for themselves and their country.

My Father's Scent

Perosn bak et vindu som legger hånden på glasset
Foto: Mohamed Siam

Country: Egypt
Genre: Fiction
Director: Mohamed Siam
Norwegian co-producer: Linda Bolstad Strønen, Marie Fuglestein Lægreid, and Ingrid Lill Høgtun, DUOfilm
Producer: Mohamed Siam, ArtKhana
Support:  600.000 NOK (€51.700)


A father-son story where both discover many secrets about the other while they try to settle their scores during a heated battle and one long night stroll.

Jury statement 

The jury was drawn into the story-world of My Father´s Scent by an intense mystery driven father-son conflict, with strong characters and poignant dialogues. The script is driven by unsaid words that leaves it with room for poetry. The documentary background of the director, the well developed project and the director's personal angel - gives us hopes that the film will let us in on an underground Alexandria we are eager to see depicted on the silver screen. We believe it will be a film where the director's devotion to detail and truth will leave the audience captivated by the depths of a contradictory father-son relationship and that the film will let us reveal some secrets and lies of a modern-day Egyptian family.


Flere mennesker på et marked. To damer holder en gris hver i bakbeinene

Country: Georgia
Genre: Fiction
Director: Levan Koguashvili
Norwegian co-producer: Elisa Fernanda Pirir, Stær
Producer: Olena Yershova, Kino Iberica
Support:  500.000 NOK ( € 43.000)


Guria 1992: When Zuriko, a young widower, can no longer sell his hazelnuts, debt collectors are closing in on him. He also has problems with his son and lacks a wife. So he courts the singing teacher Maya. But to win her over, he has to buy a new bed first, his ex-mother-in-law warns him. Meanwhile, policemen steal trolley bus cables, injured crooks are operated on with the help of electricity from a car battery, pest controllers fog up areas and girls have to milk cows to become beauty queens. That's life in Guria!

Jury statement 

Guria is an astute dramedy about everyday life in a village in western Georgia. This poignant yet humorous slice of life brims with charming, loveable characters – fighting against all odds to live a proud and joyful life. Guria champions ingenuity, kindness and the eternal search for love despite a raging civil war. Though set after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is a timely reminder of how shared humanity and compassion are the truest measure of our capacity to survive.


Ung person sittende på bakken i profil med helt kortklipt hår
Photo: E del Mundo

Country: Philippines
Genre: Fiction
Director: E del Mundo
Norwegian co-producer: Marie Fuglestein Lægreid, Ingrid Lill Høgtun, and Linda Bolstad Strønen, DUOfilm
Producer: Pamela L. Reyes, Create Cinema Inc
Support:  625 000 NOK (€53.850)


A young woman involved in a massacre explores the aftermath of her choices and the disappearance of her lover who recruited her for the crime.

Jury statement 

Sam explores the diabolical cycle of violence and its ripple psychological effects on individuals through the brave journey of a 19-year-old woman. The film highlights one of the most ferocious massacres in the Philippines, in the Maguindanao province in 2009, during which the highest number of journalists ever in the entire world were killed. The jury was struck by the personal and mature treatment of this traumatic event by the young female filmmaker as well as by her strong cinematographic proposal. This engaging story, addressing freedom of speech, is very timely and is not only important for the Philippines and the country’s memory, but also has an obvious international reach.

The Difficult Bride 

Kvinne kikker seg i speilet og ansiktet er dekket av et klede
Foto: Habiba Nowrose

Country: Bangladesh
Genre: Fiction
Director: Rubaiyat Hossain
Norwegian co-producer: Ingrid Lill Høgtun, Barentsfilm
Producer: Aadnan Imtiaz Ahmed, Khona Talkies
Support:  600.000 NOK (€51.700)


Days away from her wedding, Novera, a bride-to-be struggles with her body as it revolts in the most poetic but grotesque way against bridal rituals.

Jury statement 

This daring portrait of the upper middle class of the Bangladeshi society, deals with the narrow gender roles and strict expectations to femininity for women in current day Dhaka. The script took us on an atmospheric and immersive journey, and the jury was fascinated and intrigued by the poetic, yet grotesque, way the filmmaker is planning to visualise the protagonist`s feelings and desires.

Mars at Nightfall 

Portrett av en ung jente
Foto: Surkum Cinematografia

Country: Guatemala
Genre: Fiction
Director: Edgar Sajcabún
Norwegian co-producer: Dag Hoel, Dag Hoel Filmproduksjon
Producer: Sergio Ramírez, Surkum Cinematografía
Support:  500.000 NOK (€ 43.100)


Kem, an indigenous Maya boy in Guatemala, tries to solve his family's economic problems. He fears his father will migrate to a distant country and separate from his family. When the family's electricity is cut off and everything seems dark, Mars emerges to illuminate them.

Jury statement 

Mars At Nightfall explores land dispossession and the marginalisation of indigenous communities in Guatemala through the eyes of a young boy. The jury was struck by the screenplay and its sensitive portrayal of the relationship between father and son in this coming-of-age story. We were impressed by the directors previous short films, and are very happy to support this project that will be the first feature film to be made in the Maya Kaqchikel language.

The Sky is Mine

Mennesker som gjør opptak med kameraer og crew rundt
Foto: Jyoti K. Simha

Country: Nepal
Genre: Fiction
Director: Deepak Rauniyar
Norwegian co-producer: Alan R. Milligan, Tannhauser Gate
Producer: Deepak Rauniyar, Aadi Production
Support: 625 000 NOK (€ 53.850)


In the heart of Nepal, as racial tensions peak, Detective Pooja has 48 hours to solve the kidnapping of two boys from different castes, a case that will propel her to a legendary status or forever tarnish her reputation.

Jury statement 

The Sky Is Mine offers a poignant portrait of contemporary Nepal on the brink of change, an inside perspective into the struggles faced by marginalised communities such as Madhesis. The Jury was hooked by the script, highlighting strong women in the lead characters. Using the detective genre proves to be a judicious choice for tackling sensitive social issues, such as racism, in a more impactful manner, targeting wider audiences, both in Nepal and abroad.

As Shadows Fade 

Kvinne står i et mørkt rom og kikker ut av vinduet
Foto: Burcu Aykar

Country: Turkey
Genre: Fiction
Director: Burcu Aykar
Norwegian co-producer: Øistein Refseth, Mer Film
Producer: Nadir Öperli, Liman Film
Support:  600.000 NOK (€ 51.700)


Trapped by the Turkish heteronormative family ideal, Esin lives unaware of her passions. When she falls for the fiery, playful Deniz, a distant family friend who takes refuge in their house, she discovers the possibility of a genuine life. Their intimacy pushes her to transcend her boundaries.

Jury statement 

As Shadows Fade is a strong captivating story told in a subtle way with an eye for nuances. The script convinced the Jury of a mature storyteller in this female debut project helmed by Burcu Aykar. We got an insight into a complex coming-of-age story with strong and well developed characters. Esin’s detective-like inquiry on the truth about Deniz, draws us into a genuine experience of modern love in contemporary Turkey. We hope the film will be an intriguing psychological drama with strong entertaining components for young adults and adults, that will make it reach its audience, and a film where the main character transcends the boundaries of characters we often see in Turkish movies. As Shadows Fade will hopefully be a rare and much needed example of a love story between two women in Turkish cinema.

Confidential project

Country: Yemen
Genre: Documentary
Director: confidential
Norwegian co-producer: KriStine Ann Skaret, Stray Dog Productions
Producer: confidential
Support:  450.000 NOK (€ 38.790) 

* This production is treated as a confidential project due to the security situation for the filmmakers involved.

Les meir om Sørfond her

  • Tina Beate Goa Fagerheim
    • Tina Beate Goa Fagerheim

    • Produksjonsfaglig rådgiver Insentivordning og Sørfond
    • Telefon: +47 416 71 012 
    • E-post: tina.fagerheim[@]
  • Dag Asbjørnsen
    • Dag Asbjørnsen

    • Seksjonsleder
    • internasjonale relasjoner
    • Telefon: +47 402 22 151
    • E-post: dag.asbjornsen[@]
  • Bernt Erik Pedersen
    • Bernt Erik Pedersen

    • Kommunikasjonsrådgiver
    • Telefon: +47 971 79 456
    • E-post: bernt.pedersen[@]